March 20, 2024

“Never underestimate a quality pillow. Mundane chores make the world go round.”

Reading Time: 3 mins

OLPD Entry

“Never underestimate a quality pillow. Mundane chores make the world go round.”

Expanded OLPD Entry

We've always been there: a pillow that has stood the test of time but now needs to be brought out to pasture. It's akin to finishing a stupendous book, feeling an emptiness inside, realizing there's no true sense of purpose because the experience of reading was just so magnificent. Yes, that's precisely what I intend to convey. Today, I had to bid farewell to my pillow; actually, it was Iris's old king pillow, but it didn't serve my wonderful head well. I'm not stating I'm picky, but I prefer pillows with more support. The Tempur-Pedic pillow I once used has been since decommissioned, and my senses yearn for another to take its place for many a restless sleep. I'm only making this appear exaggerated than it should be, but in the end, your pillow is used quite a bit and is actually very important to what we value greatly: a great night's sleep. Iris and I soon found a suitable pillow after I bravely rested my head on the pillow on the solid floor of a Target store (By the way, the pillow had a plastic cover for all you germaphobes). Tonight will be the night that I'll fall for you over and over again...okay, wasn't trying to quote Secondhand Serenade word for word, but you get the point. A pillow is a simple pleasure, yet it's also a necessity that I find enjoyment in and will continue to invest myself in quality pillows in the future. Unfortunately, the pillow in question I purchased ended up not living up to my expectations as a quality pillow: it was firm as I typically prefer, but it was puffier than usual, so my neck suffered in the end. Until then, I'll keep you updated on how things go with the pillow shenanigans in the future.

Growing up in a large family, chores were a part of everyday life. It was manageable with a family of 6 kids. Each child had their own tasks assigned throughout the week, making completion less challenging. I enjoyed them coming into my marriage where, not so surprisingly, I was met with a lovely lady who also enjoys sharing in chore duties. I’m competitive at heart, so pushing myself in these mundane chores helps me feed that sense of accomplishment for the betterment of my own home and happiness. For Iris and me, Wednesday evenings are chore days. Iris enjoys cleaning the bathrooms while I enjoy vacuuming and mopping the floors. Although they may seem like mundane tasks at a young age, once you realize how chores help you value the items you have, you begin to truly understand stewardship in its entirety.

Pods & Tunes

One of my favorite tunes is "Nude" by Radiohead. What a glorious melody. My favorite part is when Thom Yorke’s vocals seamlessly transition into the next phrase without pausing for a breath. It's beyond my comprehension how this technical aspect often goes unnoticed by some listeners. This segment occurs between the time markers 03:00 and 03:13.

Learning Corner

A Piece of Science

“Music has profound effects on our thoughts and emotions, influencing our brains in powerful ways. It can evoke strong emotional responses, memories, and even physiological reactions. Modern neuroscience has shown that music can stimulate increased activity in the cerebellum, the part of the brain associated with movement, especially just before our favorite parts of songs during the anticipatory phase.” (Source)

A Piece of History

“The oldest known musical instruments are two flutes discovered in a cave in Germany, made of bird bone and mammoth ivory, dating back about 40,000 years. These findings suggest that music played a role in recreation and religious rituals even in prehistoric times.” (Source)

A Word or Two

Word: “flora” (noun, “flo•ra”) (Source)
Alternate forms: plural floras; also florae

What it means:

  1. :a treatise on or list of the plants of an area or period
  2. :plant, bacterial, or fungal life
    // fossil flora
    // intestinal flora

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